Make a difference!
Members receive monthly updates as well as invitations to events and webinars all aimed at providing education and information about current health issues and political developments. Member feedback drives our advocacy priorities and their stories are shared with government, politicians and stakeholders. Members are invited to attend political outreach meetings with our Board and Executive Director.
Examples of member benefits include:
- Monthly updates that are focused on new developments in the health sector in Alberta.
- Invitations to events with speakers who provide insight into member issues and emerging concerns. Past speakers include Ministers of Health, key MLAs, political pundits and we are always open to suggestions re: topics and speakers for the future.
- Election packages that provide summaries of advocacy priorities, contacts, positions, key messages, key questions and more.
- Opportunity to participate in meetings with MLAs, Ministers, and influential stakeholders.
- Sharing of resources from other members.
- A voice in shaping Coalition positions and directions including the opportunity to bring forward specific issues to be highlighted.
Join Today & Make a Difference
As defined in our Bylaws, membership in the Health Coalition of Alberta Society will be granted to qualified applicants that fit the following criteria:
- Full Membership – Organizations: Non-profit organizations with a mandate that aligns with the Society and which pay a membership fee
- Full Membership – Individuals: Persons with an interest in the mandate of the Society and who pay a membership fee
Affiliate Membership: Non-profit organizations with a mandate that aligns with the Society or persons with an interest in the mandate of the Society which/who do not pay a membership fee
Corporate Membership: For-profit organizations or companies who support the mission of the Society and which pay a membership fee