We want to hear from you!

Please get in touch with us if you have questions, comments, or feedback on anything you have read on our website. Get involved, share a health care experience you have had, or learn what we have planned for the future.

The Health Coalition of Alberta is dedicated to advancing collective efforts to improve health care policies and systems, with a focus on bringing the patient perspective into decision-making. While we do not provide individual advocacy services or support, we have resources on self-advocacy that can help you navigate health care issues. We also encourage you to explore our list of Member Organizations, as they may be able to assist with your specific needs.

Contact Us

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Contact Info

  • Executive Director: Beth Kidd
  • Email: director@healthcoalitionab.ca

  • Board President: Scott McRae

Follow us on Twitter at:

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 81187 Lake Bonavista
Calgary, AB
T2J 7C9