The Health Coalition of Alberta has identified six strategic priority areas which support the Society’s efforts to achieve our vision of a health care system where all Albertans have an equitable voice and access to services needed to achieve their full health potential.

These priority strategic areas are:

  1. Foster a Strong Coalition
  2. Deliver Member & Public Education
  3. Champion Health Equity
  4. Amplify Patient & Caregiver Voice
  5. Promote a Relational Model of Care
  6. Improve Access to Medications & Medical Devices
Office meeting

Through ongoing consultation with our membership, the Board of Directors develop and oversee the delivery of a long-term strategic plan to guide the activities of the Health Coalition of Alberta in support of our mandate. For each of the priority areas, the goals, objectives and outcomes have been identified. The Board of Directors also approve an annual tactical plan that outlines specific actions to support the strategic plan.

2022 sees the development of the Health Coalition of Alberta’s next three-year strategic plan. Members are encouraged to provide feedback on issues and considerations for assessment. To view the complete Strategic Plan 2022-2025, click here.

For more information, please contact us.


Foster a Strong Coalition

The Health Coalition of Alberta has the leadership, membership and resources necessary to support effective collective action. 

1.1 Deepen and broaden member collaboration and collective action.

1.2 Develop management plans that address Board recruitment and development, sustainable funding, and membership base.

Deliver Member & Public Education

Health Coalition of Alberta members and engaged Albertans have access to available information and tools to advocate effectively for their health care needs.

2.1 Provide members with access to available educational tools and resources to support advocacy on Health Coalition of Alberta priorities.

2.2 Provide public access to available resources to support their ability to advocate effectively for their health needs.

Champion Health Equity

Every Albertan has an equitable opportunity to achieve their full health potential.

3.1 Develop and utilize a health equity methodology to inform the work of the Coalition and share the approach with our members.

3.2 Advocate to decision-makers for the adoption of population health strategies.

Amplify Patient & Caregiver Voice

Patients, families, and caregivers are equal and informed partners in co-creating improved health care.

4.1 Promote the need for balanced and meaningful representation in health policy and research bodies.

4.2 Advocate for the use of real-world evidence and lived experience in decision-making processes.

4.3 Encourage public consultation with diverse and marginalized communities.

Promote a Relational Model of Care

Every Albertan has equitable access to quality health care that is centered on patient needs and based on shared decision-making involving informed and educated patients.

5.1 Advocate for the adoption of a relational model of care.

5.2 Create and promote patient-informed standards and best practices in virtual care.

5.3 Advocate for a continuing care system in Alberta that is flexible, supports independence and provides choices for care.

Improve Access to Medications & Medical Devices

Every Albertan has equitable access to the medications and medical devices that best address their individual needs.

6.1 Ensure Albertans have voice in federal and provincial health initiatives.

6.2 Ensure Albertans have timely and equitable access to medications, testing and treatment required as part of patient-physician developed treatment plans.

6.3 Advocate for enhanced patient input into health technology assessments and funding decisions.

Assumptions & Key Drivers

Preferred Future

All Albertans have equitable access to quality health services.

Patients, families, and caregivers have voice and influence into the decisions that impact their health.

The Health Coalition of Alberta is an effective advocate for a health care system that is centred on patient needs to achieve healthy lives.